eventidepoemAug 6, 2022Line up Willemeen Arnhem 2-12-2022This is the line up of the metal night at Willemeen Arnhem at 2-12-2022. We will put on our show at 20.15.Keep an eye on the site of Willemeen and buy tickets: https://www.willemeen.nl/programma/ Horns up!
This is the line up of the metal night at Willemeen Arnhem at 2-12-2022. We will put on our show at 20.15.Keep an eye on the site of Willemeen and buy tickets: https://www.willemeen.nl/programma/ Horns up!
eventidepoemJun 5, 2022Still Going Strong And Shows Are Coming UpStill going strong! Working on new songs to perform live soon:- Enslaved- So Far- Mortal DecayCheck out our EP Daemonium on the streamingplatforms or buy our EP if you haven't already!
Still going strong! Working on new songs to perform live soon:- Enslaved- So Far- Mortal DecayCheck out our EP Daemonium on the streamingplatforms or buy our EP if you haven't already!
eventidepoemApr 5, 2022EP RELEASE ON APRIL 17THOur first EP "Daemonium" will be release on April 17th. And we are fucking proud. Heavy goth-metal from Overijssel will be heard everywhere on alle music platforms. Watch our socials!
Our first EP "Daemonium" will be release on April 17th. And we are fucking proud. Heavy goth-metal from Overijssel will be heard everywhere on alle music platforms. Watch our socials!